Because of the recent media several beef factories have had to close down. I personally agree with eating meat and that includes beef. What I don’t want to eat is meat that has been cleaned with ammonia and used as a filler in my food.
I don’t like filler in my crabcakes either, I want 100% meat, not trimming that make up a filler especially if it has been cleaned with ammonia. I truly believe one reason why we have so many children in school with learning disabilities is because of the food they eat especially processed packaged food and they way our meats are treated. preservatives are harmful to us. We need to eat as fresh as possible and get away from eating preserved food. I believe that contributes to heart disease and every other disease out there.
Moderation for everything is key especially because medical model has lead us to believe that red meat is bad for us. I don’t believe that, a healthy steak or ground hamburger purchased by your local producer eaten in moderation is a far better choice than eating a hamburger from McDonald’s because you are in a hurry on your way home from work.
Don’t cut red meat out of your diet, just make healthy choices. Read the full story