I read many articles each day about the reasons to not eat meat, they say this is bad for you, that is bad for you, or this or that is bad for the environment. There is good and bad in everything, we just need to get over ourselves. It really is all good. Enjoy the article.
Helene York’s at it again: determinedly arguing that beef, even when entirely grass-fed, can’t be “green.” But her recent post falls far short of proving this provocative claim. She argues, essentially, that because cattle belch and fart a lot, beef is bad for the environment, focusing entirely on methane emissions, to the exclusion of all else. But zeroing in on a single environmental consequence is nonsensical. (Since rice farming contributes as much as 29 percent of the world’s anthropogenic methane, one may well wonder why she is not urging us to cut back our rice consumption.) As with all foods, the environmental impact of beef varies widely, depending on many factors.
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