Bust up Big Ag

Family-farm advocates call for U.S. to ‘bust up big ag’ GOP senators warn of dangers of government intervention in agriculture By Lynda Waddington 3/12/10 7:28 AM ANKENY, Iowa — Whether they realized it or not, the roughly 250 family farmers, workers and consumers...

Is the answer Goat Meat?

Did you watch the Oprah Show yesterday?  The question was, “what is the most consumed meat around the world”?  The multiple choice answers where beef, swine, goat or chicken.  The audience answered chicken, the answer is the most consumed meat around the...

How would you like your dinner raised?

On a summer visit back to the farm here where I grew up, I think I figured out the central problem with modern industrial agriculture. It’s not just that it produces unhealthy food, mishandles waste and overuses antibiotics in ways that harm us all. Full story...

Diverse choices at the Farmer’s Market

Farmers’ markets offer diverse choices Date: 22/02/2010 Farmers’ markets are not created equal. Some sell only fresh produce while others offer entertainment and a wide variety of vendors. And each market’s unique personality attracts some people...