First, let’s talk about what is a yeast infection.
- Candida Albicans is a fungal infection starting in the gut that spreads to the rest of the body.
- Candida Albicans rob the body of nutrition. It lives in your gut and feeds off of your body.
- Candida is a strong invasive parasite that attaches itself to the intestinal walls.
- Yeast is aggressive.
- Multiplies quickly.
- Becomes cannibalistic.
- Produces acetaldehyde from eating the sugar in the body which makes the liver think you or your pet are an alcoholic.
As a result, do you understand the seriousness of an overgrowth in the gut? Therefore, whether it is you or your beloved pet we can all agree that yeast infections wreak havoc on overall health.
I can speak first hand to this. As a child Doctor’s handed out antibiotics like it was candy. Consequently, anytime I was sick I received an antibiotic. In other words, antibiotics kill the good gut flora. On the other hand, probiotics should have been recommended.
To clarify, a sinus infection is a yeast infection in the nasal cavity. An ear infection is a yeast infection in the ear canal. A skin rash is a yeast infection. Do you see how this is related to hot spots, allergies, flatulence, ear infections, etc…?
In my quest for optimal health and wellness, I turned to food as my medicine. I’m not talking about a diet. I’m talking about eating nutrient-dense foods that feed my body so it can perform at optimal levels. Your pet deserves nutrient dense foods as well.
How to solve yeast infections.
One of the foods that quickly went to the top of my list was raw goat milk. Not only is goats milk healthier for you, but it is also easier for your stomach to digest. The milk is rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins A, B2, C, and D. All of these nutrients offer some of the best benefits you can ever think of to reduce inflammation of the gut.
What I’m saying is, it is a nutrient dense food.
The anti-inflammatory properties of goat milk can be attributed to its compounds called oligosaccharides, which can help treat inflammatory bowel disease which leads to candida.
Goat milk is alkaline and is more in line with the pH level of mother’s milk, which is why it can balance the body’s pH levels. As a result, you need to find that happy balance and provide foods that are more alkaline. In addition, goats milk doesn’t cause you to be fat. It stabilizes the body it doesn’t tax the body. That is a question I get from all pet owners, what happens if my dog gets fat from drinking the milk? I tell them not to worry consuming good fats doesn’t make you fat.
In conclusion, if an overgrowth of yeast is a problem provide goat milk and goat milk kefir. They both bring the gut back into the right pH balance. Let nutrient dense foods be the medicine you reach for first. To stay in touch sign up for the bi-weekly newsletter. [mailerlite_form form_id=8]