Raw Goat Milk Cheese.
Fresh artisan goat milk cheese made with your dog in mind.
The reviews are in and Woody and his friends give this raw goat milk cheese a two paws stamp of approval. Stop wondering what is really in your training aides that you give your dog. What you see is what you get.
Dogs love cheese, similarly like their human companion. Above all with you, in mind, we developed this training tool/snack so that you can feel good about what you feed your dog. With just four ingredients that you can pronounce this is a good snack for your dog.
I’m sure you are wondering how to use fresh cheese as a training tool. To clarify, the cheese can be carried in your pouch in a ziplock bag. In short, the cheese is a crumble, as a result, give your four-legged companion a piece at a time as a reward. In conclusion, Woody, Rudy, and Naomi do flips for this cheese.
Sold in 4oz container
How to buy the cheese:
Direct on the farm:
Sunday: Anne Arundel County Farmer’s Market Riva Road/50 Harry S. Truman Pky 10-1
Tuesday: Calvert Health Hospital 130 Hospital Drive Prince Frederick, Md 2:30-6:30 pm